White Sox Fans Just Boo'd Pritzker And Lightfoot Into Oblivion

One of those situations where the audio doesn't do the ground justice. Twitter is filled with videos and comments about how bad JB and Lightfoot got it when they walked out to face the crowd for opening day. Including from our own correspondent

This is one of those situations where you realize just how little self awareness politicians have. I think you'd have a hard time finding anyone in Chicago, let alone the rest of Illinois, that has glowing reviews of these two right now. The fact that they thought throwing out the first pitch or participating in some sort of pregame ceremony was a good idea is PREPOSTEROUS. Like how do they not have one single person on staff that can raise their hand and say "yeah, umm...Mr Governor, Ms Mayor...everyone fucking hates your guts right now because of how you handled covid and crime across the city. People aren't thrilled that their businesses and lives were destroyed. Go figure.  Maybe don't give the people a chance to publicly and loudly tell you exactly how they feel because that will be bad optics". Nope. They probably thought they'd walk to the mound on rose petals thrown by their adoring constituents. If I were ever an elected official the first thing I would do is hire a regular person to tell me the truth. Tell me how much everyone hates my guts so I don't walk into a booing referendum of my performance that will be shared across the internet. Hey, that's just me though. 

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